The world is talking, will you listen?

The world does not need our saving, it needs our love.

This week, I have been in a class, learning to listen and respond to the world’s dream!

What are the landscapes and creatures asking of us when they come into our dreams? When they appear in our visions and our imagination?

What is being asked of us?

As we know, people all over the world are hurting and suffering… Wars, poverty, school shootings, economic challenges…. But the natural world is also suffering, from poisoning of oceans to global warming to the suffering of people…..

We took walkabouts, with our soul companions, (companions who visit us in dreams over the years and have become our allies and friends)… and we tried to listen to the ‘Anima Mundi’ or soul of the world…

Any time, I am in nature, it always talks to me…

It respnds to my thoughts, questions, reflections… In momemts of distress I am sometimes kissed by the breeze, that tells me that life and universe are benevolent….Other times a bird flies over or starts chirping or a bright colored flower holds my attention… but this time, it was not for me.. it was listening to her, for her… It was trying to listen to the signals, synchronicities, and energies of the natural world and trying to understand what does she want me to say or do… what claims on our consciousness are the landscapes and creatures making?

And the voice that I heard over and over is “Look at me”…

It feels to me that nature is very comfortable with disease and death… It can take care of that part, it understands death being part of life cycle…. So it does not need our sympathy or pity.. It wants us to “See it”

I often wonder, how does God feel when we walk past beautiful wild flowers, bushes or trees, without noticing them, mindlessly?

I am reminded of my niece when she was a toddler, was all dressed up and sassy and said to her mom ” Ammi, mujhy dekho” (Mommy, look at me)…. Oh my… don’t our lives go by, in an attempt for people to see us… and how much we overdo, perform, perfect… so many degrees, accolades, extracurricular activities, luxurious items and vacations and their pictures on social media… with one plea… “Mujhy dekho”…(Look at me). It appears to me this desire of being seen is so basic, it’s just that we don’t see the nature overdoing, over shadowing, over compensating to be seen….The plea is the same though… “Look at me”

The movements of global warming, and environmental protection are not going to succeed with pure logic and rationality… What it would take is the visceral, emotional, erotic engagement with the world.

What the world asks of us… is not to save it, not to care for it (because it’s a resource or because our future as a species depends on it.. that is our collective ego concerns). 

World wants to be seen because its a thing of beauty, because it evokes love, and because love can save the loved and the one who loves… 

We need not to save the world, or try to make it a better place, (as if we are better than the rest of it)…. we need to love it… as it is… and like all things… it can thrive on it’s own, when loved and cherished!!

Amber Tariq

Depth Coach

Dreamer, Dream artist

#World’sdream #StephenAizenstat #Dreamtending #Imagination #Animamundi

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