How to care for a dream?

What should you do when fantasy and visions of a better world seize you in wonder?

I have a dream!!!

Why is it so hard to say that? to believe in it, to have conviction in it?

To dream, is to imagine, and imagination is schooled out of us, as soon as open our eyes, in service to practicality and ‘real life’.

To dream is to invite new possibilities, new energies into your life, and breathe it in into the soul of the world.

Dreams are sacred, dreams are not ours to own or disown, dreams are collective, dreams are of the world.. we are entrusted with them..

They arise from this place that hangs between consciousness and unconsciousness, from where all inspiration comes, and it’s a place accessible to all, we share this space with all humans that ever were, and will be, so our ideas are not ours, they hang out in that space, and they come to us, they choose us, and impregnate our souls, with hopes, that we will birth them into the world.

So how do we care for these unborn ideas, that bubble beneath our consciousness, a hint,a flash, an insight, a spark, that is there for a second and then not there the next?

I like to think of it as a magical butterfly, and we have to be like children, willing to follow these butterflies into the wilderness..

It takes childlike wonder to incubate and nurture dreams…

It takes curiosity,

It takes letting go of control,

It takes willingness to be used as a vessel for the dream, to be birthed into the world…

More we want it to be a certain way, the more we are impatient to grasp it, mold it, the more elusive it becomes….

We let it come and marinate our souls, and then wait curiously, not impatiently, for it to percolate, to move through you, and come into being when it’s ready…

It can not be subjected to ruthless rationality and logic, you cannot talk sense to a dream….

So how do we nurture these wild ideas, that make us think, that we can actually change the world?

For starters, don’t share it with business people, they will school it out of you, subject it to ruthless analytics, tell you how you are crazy to think it can work, or will offer you with advice to do something else which can be potentially more profitable. There is a wisdom in not sharing it with people in early phases of a dream.

The ideas that brought any meanigful change in the world were all crazy when they began, and if people were so good with knowing what they want, wouldn’t you find more fulfilled people than you do now?

Don’t let your analytical brain analyze it, let intuition take care of it.

Don’t try to make something out of it, get something out of it, make it profitable… tend to it, like you tend a baby… love it!! And it will guide you in directions to cultivate the gifts that you have, and for which reason, it chose you!!

Spend time in nature, let the natural world guide you, how things grow… out of nothing (if you don’t kill them) when the time is right!

Stay inspired with music that touches your soul, listen to the words of dreamers, read the stories of dreamers, who had a dream and they just articulated it( not knowing how), and hundreds of thousands of people gathered behind them, because it resonated with them… Remember, a dream is of the world, it’s not yours…You are entrusted with it!!

If you must, share it with dreamers, who are crazy enough to believe in them…

Create and find communities of dreamers….

And when it is “at term”, all forces of universe will align, if you have taken care of it, and will make sure you meet all the right people at the right time, and it will be birthed into the world… and world will be a teeny, but not insignificantly, better, because you had the wonder, curiosity, discipline, love and conviction to trust the process….

Remember, if we could solve the problems of the world with the same principles and logic, that created them, we would have done that already!

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4 months ago


4 months ago

Thanks for reply.

Rana Faizan
Rana Faizan
4 months ago


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