What we will do together
How I work / What to expect
Your entry point in our coaching relationship can be any area of your life: SPIRITUAL, FINANCIAL, EMOTIONAL, or VOCATIONAL, you are a whole person, and what you do in one area affects all other areas, so whatever you bring in, is just the entry point into your inner world.
I work with clients wanting to improve job fulfilment, relationships, parenting, health issues, financial issues. Dissatisfaction in any area are symptoms of unbalance in life, and so all roads lead back to the BIGGER You.
Throughout our time together, in addition to the issue you will bring, there will be a parallel deeper conversation about what thread is unfolding itself in your life, what wants to come forth through you, and who is this OTHER in you, that wants something more in life.
I have been trained in Jungian coaching, and throughout we will try to integrate the aspects of you psyche that have been undeveloped or unattended.
I will speak the truth that you need to hear, not what you want to…
I will help you see the powerful person inside you…
I’ll challenge your claims about things you are so sure that you can’t do, limitations that you fight so hard to make believe, to keep you small…
We will play, have fun, we will laugh, get challenged and we will cry too…
I promise you, at the very least, your life will become much more interesting, but my guess is, it will be way more than that!!
Universe has put its trust in you, to manifest itself, to do something that will stay undone if you don’t do it… let us see what is bubbling underneath to unfold, to come to life, through you…
I can’t wait to meet you find out!!