How do coaching and psychotherapy differ?
Is coaching and therapy the same thing? What are the differences between coaching and therapy? Why should I hire a coach? Should I hire a coach?
These are some common questions that people have about differences between coaching and therapy.
In recent years the scope of psychotherapy has really widened, and most people have some experience of therapy even for subtle issues, not necessarily qualifying as neurosis.
Now there are people who go to therapists for couples therapy, even when they are happy(because they want to stay happy) , or want to manage anger issues, self esteem issues, long standing unresolved emotions or grief, and this is the group of people that can benefit from either therapy or coaching, there are distinct differences in therapy and coaching model.
We all deal with small trauma and betrayal in life, and Coaching is a perfect medium to work with it, but if you are dealing with major trauma, depression, anxiety disorder, therapy is probably a better place to start.
Coaches are not psychologists by training (although some therapists are coaches too), and if in working with you, a coach feels that the trauma or emotional baggage that you carry should better be dealt with in therapy, they would guide you towards it. Broadly speaking if you are not functionaing optimally due to underlying psychological issues, therapy is the better choice.
– Coaching deals with emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your being, but the emphasis is on to help you maximize your potential, and not necessarily healing, although healing may come as a result.
– Coaching calls on your innate intelligence, and urges you to find the answers within. A coach’s job is to ask the right questions and facilitate insight.
– Coaching touches on the past sometimes to understand how we have become the people we have become, but it’s main focus is on the future and on action.
Yes, there are things and events that we have no control over, but as opposed to what has been done and what X,Y or Z is doing that is making your life impossible, “WHAT CAN YOU DO?” is really the focus in coaching.
– Coaching’s main goal is to challenge your belief systems and rewrite them.
Coaches work in their own area of interest and expertise, and each coach can have a variety of training and skills including but not limited to NLP, shadow work, Emotional integration, active imagination, body work and dream work to name a few. There are business, health, relationship, career, transition and spiritual coaches and their tools can vary a little accordingly, but more than any other field, coaching is really about integrating all aspects of your life, because they all affect each other.
It has been the highest performing individuals and businesses who traditionally would have coaches from CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to presidential candidates, Olympic athletes to Hollywood actors. It really has been relatively recent that coaching is becoming more recognized to be the secret weapon of success, and more and more people are hiring coaches.
Coaching is oriented towards goals and growth, although they are not set in stone and can be very non tangible too, and a big part of coaching is to turn a huge goal into small manageable bits, meanwhile work with outer and inner obstacles.
You know when you are a high achiever, and you have checked all the boxes on the form of life handed over to you by culture, but you don’t feel fulfilled, and feel empty on the inside? There is really something in our depths calling us, and demanding that we lsiten to it.
You may think it is the friction in your relationship, or if only your kids would listen, or you can buy a bigger house or better car, or just one more promotion, or get that corner office “I will be happy”, and guess what, when all of that is done, you are still not happy, or you are happy yet restless… Yes, I am talking to YOU, and you know what that yearning feels like and what I am talking about… I am the coach for YOU!!
I am a Certified Jungian Coach, but I like to call myself Depth Coach, and I can help you live a SOUL-LED rich INNER and OUTER life.
#lifecoaching #dreamworker #depthpsychology #depthcoaching #Carljung
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