I'm Amber Tariq
At my very core, I am a lifelong learner and educator…
My background is in health care, I am a physician, fell in love with medicine very early on in Med School and liked it so much that ended up doing Internal Medicine residency twice (In 2 different countries), and have been practicing Medicine for the 11 years.
I have always been intrigued by how we become the people we become, and I am curious to know, what we do not know about ourselves.
My mission is to help people create deeply fulfilling lives.Who Am I
I have been secretly in love with psychology almost all my life, but could not find an appropriate expression of my love for it. I have always been a personal growth enthusiast and believe in the power of changing your life quality, by changing the quality of person you believe you are, and living up to your full potential.
I become alive in deep insightful and meaningful conversations, I am known to enable people to see things from a new perspective and clarity.
I was the highest achiever around me throughout my teen years and early adulthood, and yet it did not change how inadequate I felt on the inside….
I have felt unseen and unknown, and lonely for most part of my life, I have struggled to make friends (and pretended I did not care), and I have struggled to feel loved.
I have believed that I am here to do it alone, and hence other people should do it alone too. (At least should not come to me).
The hardest thing I have done is not studying 8 hours a day, or working 80 hours a week for 3 consecutive years while being a mom to a toddler, the hardest thing I have done is to rediscover my ability to receive and give love, and to become the person who wants to be of service, ultimate magic of fulfillment comes from being in service to something bigger than yourself.
More checkmarks on the boxes would not do it…
I have been a scientist by training, but in my own journey of finding myself, I have learned energy work, I have learned to use and improve intuition, I have learned active imagination, and dream work, spiritual rules of manifestation…. I have begun to believe in magic and miracles, and I have come to realize that I have always believed in magic of human spirit, of dreams become realities, of how a small interaction, few spoken words can inspire and change the course of people’s lives!