Are you Walking In Shoes Too Small?

“We all walk in shoes that are too small for us”
—– Carl Jung

Are you living a life too small for your soul?

The life force within you wants to be heard, it will withdraw your energy from everyday projects, it will pull you into apathy, it will cause you unexplained symptoms, life threatening diseases scare (or real), get you into accidents, or cause friction in close relationships … It will do, whatever it takes, to awaken you to the REAL you.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”----- Carl Jung

Hi! I'm Amber Tariq

My background is in health care, I am a physician, fell in love with medicine very early on in Med School and liked it so much that ended up doing Internal Medicine residency twice (In 2 different countries), and have been practicing Medicine for the 11 years.
I have always been intrigued by how we become the people we become, and I am curious to know, what we do not know about ourselves.
My mission is to help people create deeply fulfilling lives.

My Approach

I coach highly successful professionals who want something more from life and don’t know what that is, or they know, but pretend they don’t, because it’s too risky.
If any of that resonates with you, if you want to change your life from the inside out, and then some … Schedule a free consultation with me, and we can find out more, if I can really serve you

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